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May, 2004

"A Woman’s Choice: A Recovered Manuscript of Angela Merici’s Rule": That’s the title of a presentation that Mary-Cabrini Durkin will make at the Thirty-ninth Annual Congress on Medieval Studies on May 9, 2004. She will speak on a panel titled "Early Modern Women Writers."

Mary-Cabrini Durkin’s book about the Rule will appear later this year.

At the Congress in May she will show how the recently (1985) recovered manuscript of The Rule of the Company of Saint Ursula offers an unusually intimate glimpse of an early sixteenth-century Italian woman of a very modest social station. The Rule draws upon Angela’s experience to shape a new way of life for single lay women with narrow choices.

The manuscript preserves the oral quality and the female independence of the original Rule, both features lost in later editions. Since the Company’s spirituality and structure grew out of Angela’s relationships and context, her passionate voice is a treasured recovery. Mary-Cabrini will connect the newly recovered text with Angela’s personality and experiences and show how she created alternatives for women in her world.

The Medieval Institute hosts its annual Congress at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo.

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