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September 2012
The Company of St. Ursula of Canada met in Montreal in August. The Company celebrated its 45th anniversary, recalling the initiative of the Canadian foundress, Jacqueline Morin. Directress Thérèse Bolduc focused on “Angela, Messenger of Joy” in her keynote address.
Jacqueline Morin (left) and Thérèse Bolduc singing a hymn in Brescia in 2007
The worldwide Federation of Companies of St. Ursula met in Rome in July to plan and to elect officers. About 100 participants came from France, Malta, Slovakia, Poland, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroun, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Madagascar, Brazil, Canada, the United States of America, Indonesia and Italy. Simultaneous translation was available in Italian, English, and French. The theme of the Assembly was “In service to the Kingdom in secularity.”
A passion for discovering God’s presence in the world marks the vocation to a secular institute, said keynote speaker Daniela Leggio: “totally immersed in the world and totally oriented to God, totally with humanity and totally with God.”
The Assembly called for continuing growth in the Companies’ global and secular reality through awareness, communication, contact, and formation.
Maria Rosa Razza was re-elected to a second six-year term as president. Among the eleven members elected to the general council was Mary-Cabrini Durkin of the USA.
The newly elected General Council of the Federation, with President Maria Razza (second row, center)
Thérèse Bolduc, Directress of the Company of Canada (right) addresses the Assembly in Rome.
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